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Theory of Change

We're confronting the air situation in North India head-on. Our task? Cut down on air pollution and eliminate stubble burning. This is about more than simply the environment; it's also about economic growth, sustainable agriculture, and health.

We will put a halt to stubble burning and drastically lower air pollution in North India, no matter what it takes.

Visit Punjab to see our work for yourself. Watch as your contributions result in healthier communities, thriving farmers, and cleaner air.

Are you prepared to change things? Contact us right now if you're enthusiastic about sustainability or a possible ally. Your financial support—whether in the form of a grant, investment, CSR, donation, or collaboration—is what makes our strategy a reality. By working together, we can transform pollution into wealth and build a sustainable future for North India and beyond.

इस भाषा में अभी तक कोई पोस्ट प्रकाशित नहीं हुई
पोस्ट प्रकाशित होने के बाद, आप उन्हें यहाँ देख सकेंगे।


Stubble Burning-Punjab-1-pager-Roshan.pdf

Stubble Burning (Problems and Solutions).pdf

Saroja Earth - Non-Profit - Pollution to Prosperity.pdf

PARPA for Air Pollution.pdf

View Our Plan Here.


पंजाब, भारत

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